Indagine sui comportamenti sociali ed ambientali nel sistema delle PMI di Confindustria Salerno

Mario Testa


Several studies on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), a traditional domain of large companies, have shown a growing significance for Small end Medium Enterprises (SMEs), the predominant form of enterprise in both the European Union and Italy. Evidence suggests that social and environmental commitment is not a marginal issue for SMEs even if it is based on the evaluation of performance actually carried out,  rather than on the formal adoption of specific tools.

This paper takes a bottom-up approach and explores CSR initiatives and practices of SMEs associated with Confindustria Salerno, underpinning that socially responsible policies implemented, mainly in the dynamics intra-organizational, are bound to a natural sharing of experiences and common values​​, rather than originated by a coherent and effective planning.

The importance of values and business ethics for SMEs, usually represented by the founder of the company are key factors for their success, but it is necessary to treat these strategically.

Parole chiave

Corporate Social Responsibility; Small and Medium Enterprises; Social and Environmental Tools

ISSN: 1971-5293

ISSNe: 2283-3374

Esperienze d'Impresa, Reg. Tribunale Salerno n. 875 del 3/11/1993