Creatività e innovazione per la vitalità dell'impresa: modelli e approcci di governo

Paolo Piciocchi, Marialuisa Saviano, Clara Bassano


In a dynamic context, firms adopt planned and opened organization configurations in which the competitive advantage is ensured by complementary resources and competences. When business viability and survival depend on creativity and innovation, it becomes relevant, especially for small firms, to look for and to participate in modular organization configurations that guarantee cooperative effectiveness and collaborative learning. The network approach enhances innovations for creative firms that, thanks to the modular structure, are able to speed up, enlarge and transfer specific knowledge, producing systematic innovation. Indeed, the success of competitive strategies depends on core competences and it is largely influenced by organisational structures, collaborative mechanisms of governance and integrated product processes. Flexible and integrative strategies have a critical impact on structure and process of creative firms; it means that network demands a higher openness and informative exchange to encourage interactions and knowledge sharing. Strategic plans, with high creativity, prefer systemic configurations to improve network relations. This aspect does not stop the system's need to guarantee renew routines. This is called "innovative systematics" required by a creative network where each system's component has to be proactive contributing to collaborative and creative action. This paper analyses firms characterised by creativity and innovation in a process focused on strategy-behaviour-resources referring to the Resource Based View and Knowledge Management and with the support of a conceptual framework based on the Viable System Approach (vSa) and on the model of the variety of viable systems, that is helpful for analysing network characteristics and creative value management in complex systems. In particular, the (vSa) confirms that government and governance are able to manage routines in interaction processes among systemic components that have creative and innovative capabilities.

ISSN: 1971-5293

ISSNe: 2283-3374

Esperienze d'Impresa, Reg. Tribunale Salerno n. 875 del 3/11/1993