At the beginning of the third millennium the dynamics shown through the economic globalisation processes and the spread of innovations, and more in general, of the knowledge, have highlighted such natures that have deeply weighed upon the relevance undertaken by the helpful nature of some factors, considered important in the past, for the success of the development process of a given territory. Capitals, technologies, the know how, the professional competences, people move nowadays at such a speed and easiness, at a worldwide level, that the priority status has been taken away, and sometimes, also the exclusivity one, previously owned. Same way for the elements considered some years ago like a protection, a barrier at the entrance respect to other operators, today they can represent a restriction to the development of a specific territory. It seems to be important therefore to analyse the different patterns of a territory development, finding the factors on which the same elements have based their success and the ability owned by themselves in creating a value for the reference context.
KEY WORDS territorial competitiveness | local agencies | Fund raising | Governance.
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PDFISSN: 1971-5293
ISSNe: 2283-3374
Esperienze d'Impresa, Reg. Tribunale Salerno n. 875 del 3/11/1993