Ruoli emergenti dell'organo di governo delle componenti infrastrutturali nella definizione dello sviluppo competitivo del sistema territoriale

Luciano Bologna


The presence in the territory of various interacting subjects, sharing common aims such as resident and no-residents, local and non-local businesses, potential investors, tourists, etc., presupposes the creation of a network structure where components evolve and grow together in a systemic conception of the same. In this context, the forms of co-operation and coordination set up between the different actors of the local market take on an ever greater relevance obliging them to address their joint activities to increasing mutual trust and knowledge.

ISSN: 1971-5293

ISSNe: 2283-3374

Esperienze d'Impresa, Reg. Tribunale Salerno n. 875 del 3/11/1993